(248) 684-4411
Gretchen Weger Snell, PhD, DNM
2185 S. Milford Rd., Suite #3
Milford MI 48381
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Blog Archives: Month of June, 2021

Fields of Frequency – Helpful or Harmful?

Categories: Articles & News

What’s all the buzz about electromagnetic fields (EMFs)? Can electromagnetic fields really be harmful?  Cell phones, computers, televisions, routers and microwaves are powerful transmitters of the invisible radiation of EMFs. Laboratory tests have proven that EMFs cause overstimulation in parts of the brain. A study sponsored by the European Commission of Health and Consumer Protection, identified risks and possible harmful effects of EMF on human health. 

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Dandelion, Taraxacum officinalis

Categories: Articles & News

Did you know that this pesky “weed” is a powerful healing ally? Dandelion rejuvenates the body by facilitating the elimination of toxins through the liver and kidneys.  Taraxacum officinalis is a bitter, which stimulates the flow of juices that ease digestion.  The liver is a major detoxifying organ for removing external pollutants and toxins, and the internal waste products produce by stress! 

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