Thank you! I started to feel better within one week of taking the new combination drops and the shake! I've had energy, and gut is great! T.W.
AMAZING that I have only thrown up ONE TIME since I've been taking what you recommended. (I was vomiting 4-5 x/week before, for at least 3 months.) Very light attack, not like the old days at all. A thousand thank yous! You've changed my life. Not many people have done that! P.H.
I wanted to let you know I had my procedure on Friday. They determined there was no inflammation! I'm in remission! I'm so excited. I knew you would like to know. B.T.
Unbeknownst to me, I had been infected by ticks carrying Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. I was very tired, had low energy, and didn’t know what to do after being treated by conventional medicine.
I went to Gretchen Snell who did live blood analysis. She found that my red blood cells were stacked up like a stack of coins. This greatly reduced the surface area that could carry oxygen and give me energy. Gretchen prescribed a homeopathic that separated the red blood cells allowing them to carry the oxygen they were meant to. My energy came back. It was life-changing! I have referred many people to Gretchen throughout the years ever since. I have nothing but the highest regard, respect, and gratitude to Gretchen for her expertise and experience! K.G.
Thanks so much for the remedies! My grandson is responding and repeating words. He is also putting word phrases together. He is counting to twenty, saying letters and spelling, and singing songs. Thank you again! M.J.
Between the remedy for dizziness/vertigo and the Vibrational Sound I can now stand upright and walk without the debilitating feeling like I just got off a ship. Thank you, Dr. Gretchen for your amazing knowledge, constant care, and life-saving support! T. F.
Good morning! The (remedy) is an elixir for my system!! Took it when I got home & then as “directed”. Started working within an hour. Bloat began to leave & was able to put jeans on over my swimsuit this morning!! You are a god send!! Just wanted to thank you again! C.P.
Dear Gretchen, WOW!!! What a wonderful reading/consultation you gave me yesterday. You are so knowledgeable and so kind and I learned so much. I can't thank you enough. G.P.
Excellent practitioner - answered all my questions, listened to all my symptoms- great experience ! Thank you Gretchen for working with me to improve my healthđź’ś also explained test results throughly. With gratitude & Thanks N.S.
Thought I’d let you know , that I have not had acid reflex in @3 days and that I’m feeling a lot better thanks to your remarkable skills and analysis đź’ś K.D.
"Feeling so so much better. So much more energy I’m doing better in school my concentration level is up. I️ feel like a new person. I️ can’t believe how bad junk food can make you feel." M.A.
Your teaching continuously challenges me - the way you can bring all of body, mind and spirit together is very inspiring. You truly have a teaching gift!! One of the many aspects I take away from your teaching is "believing" - your spirit imparts that energy and life, and you speak with authenticity. Deep gratitude for you Gretchen and your interest and willingness to help and empower others!! D.J.
“Hi Gretchen, I am feeling great! Thank you so much. I've got so much energy and that is a lot for a 56 year old teacher of six year olds to say in September!”– M.B.
“Just wanted to let you know I am feeling a lot better , stress wise and my psoriasis is now under control. Just can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me!”– J. H.
“I feel so much more normal energy wise. I am so thankful for you! It’s crazy how tired now is nothing like tired before. I feel so much happier not being exhausted all the time!”– N. M.
“Just wanted you to know how much better I am feeling with the remedies. I am sleeping well, feeling more relaxed, centered and focused. I am so grateful. Thank you!”– M.B.
“I have to tell you that the last week, has been amazing. I have energy all day. I am able to cook, work in the garden, sleep well, get up early and more. This adrenal thing has been a struggle for the last two years to the point that I didn’t know how I was going to continue with no energy. Not only that but I’m not in pain anymore and can now work out again. I think you are a miracle worker, and wish I would have found you years ago. You are getting me well and for that I owe you everything. I want you to know that I never miss taking my remedies and trust you completely with my health.”– Kate - May 2014
“My family's lives have improved SIGNIFICANTLY since visiting Gretchen Snell at Natural Path Consulting. I find myself recommending her to friends and even strangers on a regular basis. Visits are productive and professional while comfortable for my children at the same time. We have been going for years and I can not even begin to mention all of the health benefits that we have seen. Here are just a few: chronic repetitive ear infections - GONE. Allergy to legumes - GONE. Thyroid imbalance detected and corrected. High cholesterol treated and those prescribed medications no longer needed. One child's challenge to learn significantly improved - noticed by teachers and all. I could go on and on. Phone consultations have been (what feels like) life saving. We feel that we are cared for as well as family members would be cared for.”– Julie Quinnell - March 21, 2014
“This letter of appreciation is to thank you for the excellent results your homeopathic and natural therapies have brought me. One year ago I came to reduce the number of medications an MD had prescribed me. Following your suggestions yielded improvements far beyond my expectations. During the past year I have: 1) Reduced the need for prescription medications to one low-dosage hypertension drug 2) Brought body weight down 20 pounds 3) Decreased triglycerides and cholesterol level to within normal ranges 4) Raised my testosterone level 5) Reduced my blood sugar level The above improvements are clinically established. On the subjective level I recognize improvement in my mental acuity and find myself in a better mood emotionally. Perhaps most importantly, I feel great. In fact I feel better that I can ever remember. In addition to all these improvements I deeply appreciate the time you take and patience you show during analysis sessions. You explain everything you are doing, how certain organs function and how the natural therapy can cleanse or facilitate repair.”– Larry - 2013
“My daughter and I have been doing well. We both ceased our homeopathic medicines after a couple of months and we have been doing well. My daughter's GI issues seem to have straightened out, and my eczema is at bay for the time being. :) I have even tried a couple of remedies on my husband for one of his GI problems, and it helped quite a bit. Thank you for opening my eyes to this branch of healing medicine.”– K.M. - 2013
“What a wonderful difference this medicine has made! I am a nurse for a 15 year old physically and mentally impaired male with a trac and vent. He was in respiratory and abdominal distress most of the time. Gretchen informed us that the canned food diet he was receiving contained soy protein and soy protein isolate and MSG influencing his respiratory and GI distress. He received his nutrition through a feeding tube. She helped create a diet with powdered and liquid supplements to fully cover his nutritional needs. He was on these and within a couple for hours and relaxed. A homeopathic remedy was also given that took the distress away within and hour. He was becoming more alert and responded to questions appropriately. He was awake most of the day (he slept most of the time before). He stayed well, was riding a tricycle, went swimming and was enjoying life. He was able to be on this regimen for nine months an then the agency put a stop to it as it was not protocol. He now has reverted back to how he was prior to the supplements and remedies. How awful these rules from the current institutions can be. Thank you Gretchen, from all my heart and from his too.”– Nurse K. - January 30, 2009
“Wanted to let you know, that I have followed your directions, exactly as prescribed. Result? I am completely of the (drug). Thank you! You rock!”– K. G. 2014
“Just thought I would give you a quick update - not a single night sweat or hot flash since I took the last does of F. P. over 4 or 5 months ago. I have a few packets on hand but I think I really only took it for 2-1/2 months and the last half month was very sporadic. I keep telling my friends about it who sit there and fan themselves constantly ,suffering miserably, but they all just say "I will wait it out". So a big shout out to you and thank you SO MUCH for bringing me this miracle product. After 7 years of suffering from night sweats (5 nights a week) I feel like a normal person again and can actually get a decent night's sleep.”– Mandy
“We were so proud, our wishes came true, a healthy baby is all we prayed for. Anthony was so alert, so beautiful, his eyes were full of energy, his appetite was great. He was 5 weeks old when his symptoms started. The pediatrician had prescribed creams, his dermatologists had done the same. I applied them on those areas where needed, those areas improved, however new wounds appeared in other spots. Anthony’s appetite had decreased dramatically, he appeared tired and glassy eyed. He was very irritated and lethargic. We continued taking him from doctors to specialists. We thought we tried everything. I prayed for help to keep me open minded. We then heard about Gretchen from another client of hers that had great results. I listened to what she said to do. I gave him the homeopathic remedies, and saw fast results. Anthony was feeling and looking alive again. Gretchen saved his life! For the rest of us, Gretchen is our "Doctor". The remedies are easy to take, and my other three kids do not complain of the taste. Thank you, Gretchen!””– The Gjelaj Family - January 30, 2009
“I am doing great...better than I have been in years! Thank you for assisting me with healing. I know that is your job, just want you to know that I am very grateful.”– Jan, 2014
“Just a quick note to thank you for your expertise. I am feeling so much better now, and started to pretty much right after I began the remedy. My digestion normalized very quickly, and my sleep is improving and I feel better overall.”– Terry